Active Injury Mitigation (AIM) System
Every woodworker knows the risks. No matter how skilled you are, no matter how careful, accidents in the workshop aren’t a matter of ‘if’—they’re a matter of ‘when.’ SawStop’s revolutionary Active Injury Mitigation (AIM) System is a groundbreaking innovation in woodworking safety technology, designed to stop and drop the blade the moment skin contact is detected. How the Active Injury Mitigation (AIM) System works:

The blade senses skin contact via a electrical signal.

A signal change triggers a brake, halting the blade instantly.

The blade retracts under the table in under 5 milliseconds

A quick system reset and your saw is back up in running in a matter of minutes

Get Back to Work

It’s not about if, it’s about when: “It happens in an instant.”
You’ve heard the stories. The skilled carpenter, the weekend hobbyist, the seasoned professional—they all share one thing in common: they never saw it coming. In a fraction of a second, their lives were changed forever by a simple mistake. Imagine the relief of knowing that, when that moment comes, your SawStop will be there to protect you.
You’ve built your life around your craft. Your hands are your most valuable tools. But in the blink of an eye, they could be gone. SawStop’s AIM System ensures that when the inevitable happens, you walk away with all ten fingers intact.
“When something goes wrong, you simply can’t move faster than a spinning blade.”
Countless individuals have been affected by tragic accidents with table saws not equipped with SawStop technology; three such individuals share their story here.

“Imagine a day where the unexpected becomes a minor inconvenience, not a life-altering event. Imagine the relief of needing just a bandage, not a surgeon. SawStop users share their stories of how the AIM system saved their fingers and possibly their lives.”
Finger Saves
A split second can mean the difference between a life-changing injury and a small nick of the finger. These people have shared their finger save photo with us.
Protect Yourself Today—Don’t wait for the worst to happen. Make the choice to protect your hands and your future with SawStop’s AIM System.